Treatments For Your Needs

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a formulated solution applied to the skin to chemically remove the top layers, allowing for smoother, healthier, regenerated skin to take its place. Chemical peels can range from mild exfoliating peels used to freshen and rejuvenate the skin to deeper peels used to correct imperfections such

Advanced & Custom Facials

Advanced Aesthetics offers many advanced facial treatments designed to help you individually. Lana can assess what you need to have beautiful, clear skin. Our facility is equipped with technology from organic facials to laser treatments to ensure that all your needs are met!

Skin Classic

Do you have age spots, spider veins, or unsightly bumps on your skin that you’ve assumed are there forever? Skin Classic is a high frequency non-laser technology used to treat and/or remove various skin irregularities including skin tags, blackheads, acne pimples, sun damage, broken capillaries, and cysts.

Advanced Skin Therapy

TriBella is a non-surgical facial therapy technology from Venus Versa that combines three distinct modes of action to enhance tone, tightness, and texture of skin. It is a high-intensity, yet non-invasive, complete skin renewal treatment.

Introducing Lana’s New Skin Care LineVonavi Pro

Experience Continuously Healthy Skin Regardless Of Your Age, Ethnicity or Unique Skin Condition.